Online Payment

Physical Damage Policies

To make Payment for your
Physical Damage Policies

Make Payment

Workers Compensation Policies

To make Payment for your
Workers Compensation Policies

Make Payment

Independent Livery Drivers Benefit Fund

To make Payment for your
Livery Policies

Make Payment

Important Information regarding your online payment

This site contains a link to with which Hereford Insurance Company (HIC) has contracted to accept on-line payments for certain insurance products. The websites are not maintained or controlled by HIC. This link is provided solely for your convenience. We recommend that you take the time to read the privacy policies and user agreements of The websites.

Please refer to the following for additional information regarding on-line payments:

Payment on a cancelled policy may not result in the reinstatement of the policy.
Payment received toward policies pending cancellation, must be received prior to the cancellation date and must be for the full amount due in order to receive any consideration for reinstatement.
Payment not received by the due date, will be considered late and subject to the terms on any notices sent, which may include cancellation of the policy.
Payment dishonored by your financial institution for any reason, will be deemed not to have been received by the company.

Authorized Brokers Payments Click Here